The RSPCA must drop RSPCA Assured

Call on the RSPCA to care “for every kind” by committing to severing ties with RSPCA Assured and instead promote plant-based foods.

UPDATE: RSPCA is inspecting 200 exposed farms, but this is not good enough. We demand that these farms are also inspected by independent reviewers to ensure that there is no bias in the reporting.  We are asking all our supporters to back this campaign and sign the petition.

We acknowledge the work that RSPCA has done for companion animals, free-living animals and farmed animals residing in their rescue centres throughout its long history but now, as the RSPCA's 200th anniversary approaches, we call on them to discontinue their RSPCA Assured food labelling scheme and to genuinely uphold their vision of caring for all animals. This would be achieved by advocating for a completely plant-based food system.

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Piglet and puppy

Join our list of veterinarians, celebrities, animal sanctuaries and other NGOs by signing our petition. Help us reach 30K signatures so we can send a loud message to the RSPCA on its big 200th anniversary year.

We Demand Justice!

Following many years of undercover investigations by Animal Justice Project revealing the horrendous exploitation of animals on RSPCA Assured farms and the mass killing of animals in RSPCA stamped abattoirs, many of us have seen first-hand the failings of RSPCA Assured. The RSPCA cannot truly work towards its vision of a world where all animals are respected and treated with kindness whilst at the same time actively participating in the exploitation and killing of animals through RSPCA Assured. The solution is simple: the RSPCA MUST endorse plant-based products instead.

“Call us woke if you like, but all animals deserve the RSPCA’s protection” says Chris Sherwood, RSPCA CEO. Chris, you claim to be woke and progressive; yet, you still discriminate between the animals you claim to protect? You help some animals but assure the slaughter of others? Within RSPCA rescue centres up and down the country, there are pigs, chickens, turkeys and other ‘farmed’ animals looking for homes, safeguarded by the charity’s rigorous rehoming standards. However, their cousins are imprisoned on farms and face a dire fate. Their lifelong suffering literally stamped with the RSPCA Assured logo. This cannot continue.

Together we share their vision of a compassionate and a kind world... for ALL!